
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. M. Kristensen2005Fifteen years investigation of the meiofauna of the Faroe Bank (NE Atlantic)
M. Blaxter, Mann, J., Chapman, T., Thomas, F., Whitton, C., Floyd, R., Abebe, E.2005Defining operational taxonomic units using DNA barcode data.
C. D. Criscione, Poulin, R., Blouin, M. S.2005Molecular ecology of parasites: elucidating ecological and microevolutionary processes.
T. Gheskiere, Vincx, M., Weslawski, J. M., Scapini, F., Degraer, S.2005Meiofauna as descriptor of tourism-induced changes at sandy beaches
U. Kutschera, Roth M.2005Cannibalism in a population of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis L.)
M. E. Siddall, Budinoff, R. B., Borda, E.2005Phylogenetic evaluation of systematics and biogeography of the leech family Glossiphoniidae
N. J. Szewczyk, Mancinelli, R. L., McLamb, W., Reed, D., Blumberg, B. S., Conley, C. A.2005Caenorhabditis elegans survives atmospheric breakup of STS-107, space shuttle Columbia.
W. E. Moser, Van Devender, R. W., Klemm, D. J.2005Life history and distribution of the leech Oligobdella biannulata (Moore, 1900) (Euhirudinea : Glossiphoniidae)
T. J. Ryan, Lambert A.2005Prevalence and colonization of Placobdella on two species of freshwater turtles (Graptemys geographica and Sternotherus odoratus)
E. A. Perens, Shaham S.2005C-elegans daf-6 encodes a patched-related protein required for lumen formation
T. Gheskiere, Vincx, M., Urban-Malinga, B., Rossano, C., Scapini, F., Degraer, S.2005Nematodes from wave-dominated sandy beaches: diversity, zonation patterns and testing of the isocommunities concept
C. Schander, Willassen E.2005What can biological barcoding do for marine biology?
Y. Zhang, Lu, H., Bargmann, C. I.2005Pathogenic bacteria induce aversive olfactory learning in Caenorhabditis elegans.
S. Tang, Hyman B. C.2005Rolling circle amplification of complete nematode mitochondrial genomes
P. S Stock2005Insect-parasitic nematodes: from lab curiosities to model organisms.
Y. Shirayama, Thornton H.2005Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on shallow water marine benthos
M. L. Crowe2005SeqDoC: rapid SNP and mutation detection by direct comparison of DNA sequence chromatograms
S. Bertelli, Giannini N. P.2005A phylogeny of extant penguins ({Aves: Sphenisciformes}) combining morphology and mitochondrial sequences
J. Damgaard, Andersen, N. M., Meier, R.2005Combining molecular and morphological analyses of water strider phylogeny ({Hemiptera-Heteroptera}, {Gerromorpha}): effects of alignment and taxon sampling
P. De Ley, I. De Ley, T., Morris, K., Abebe, E., Mundo-Ocampo, M., Yoder, M., Heras, J., Waumann, D., Rocha-Olivares, A., Burr, J., Baldwin, J. G., Thomas, W. K.2005An integrated approach to fast and informative morphological vouchering of nematodes for applications in molecular barcoding
H. Dopazo, Dopazo J.2005Genome-scale evidence of the nematode-arthropod clade
R. Fleissner, Metzler, D., von Haeseler, A.2005Simultaneous statistical multiple alignment and phylogeny reconstruction
P. P. Gardner, Wilm, A., Washietl, S.2005A benchmark of multiple sequence alignment programs upon structural {RNA}s
G. Giribet2005Generating implied alignments under direct opitimization using {POY}
W. D. Hope2005An annotated checklist of the marine nematodes of the western {North Atlantic} and {Gulf of Mexico}
G. Lecointre, Deleporte P.2005Total evidence requires exclusion of phylogenetically misleading data
G. K. Philip, Creevey, C. J., McInerney, J. O.2005The opisthokonta and the ecdysozoa may not be clades: stronger support for the grouping of plant and animal than for animal and fungi and stronger support for the coelomata than ecdysozoa
H. Philippe, Lartillot, N., Brinkmann, H.2005Multigene analyses of bilatarian animals corroborate the monophyly of Ecdysozoa, Lophotrochozoa, and Prostomia
Y. I. Tekle, Raikova, O. I., Ahmadzadeh, A., Jondelius, U.2005Revision of the {Childiidae} ({Acoela}), a total evidence approach in reconstructing the phylogeny of acoels with reversed muscle layers
M. J. Telford, Wise, M. J., Gowri-Shankar, V.2005Consideration of {RNA} secondary structure significantly improves likelihood-based estimates of phylogeny: examples from the bilateria
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith